[AqAdvisor] AqAdvisor.com - Submit your own species for addition into AqAdvisor.com DB

Submit your own species

This form is meant for only those who know your species very well. All of these attributes are used by AqAdvisor.com and total number of attributes are increasing as more difficult species are being added to the species DB. If you are unsure about some of the answers, please leave them blank - I'll give it a shot too. If some of the attributes are unclear, please leave some feedback on the forum - I can add more descriptive words around it.

Your efforts are much appreciated.

Attribute Your value Description
Common Name Specify the common name(s) of your species. If you know more than one for this species, you can specify them in this field. AqAdvisor.com will treat them as aliases pointing to the same species.
Scientific Name Speficy the scientific name here. You should not enter more than one name.
Minimum Number Specify minimum number required for this species. AqAdvisor.com typically uses "5" for shoaling species and "4" for corydoras species. If the species can live happily alone, then enter "1" here.
Maximum Number Specify maximum number required for this species. Set it to "1" if it cannot co-exist with the same kind regardless of the tank size. For most species, you won't need to enter any numbers here.
Size (inch)
Specify the length of your species when fully grown up in either inch or cm.
Mouth Size (inch)
Specify the length of species this species is capable of eating.
Biofactor Specify how much waste this species produces. Is this a clean species or a dirty species for a given size? Thin species tend to be clean, while Pleco would qualify as a dirty species.
Minimum Living Space Specify the minimum tank space(footprint) required for this species. Specify the unit (inch or cm).
Aggression against same species Describe aggression against the same species. Does it get along with the same kind or show high aggressions?
Aggression against different species Describe aggression against different species.
Biotope Which part of the world the species come from. At the minimum, which continent.
Diet Carnivorous/Omniverous/Hervivorous?
Water temperature requirements Minimum:(C) Maximum:(C)
Minimum:(F) Maximum:(F)
Minimum and maximum water temperature requirement
Water pH requirements Minimum and maximum water pH requirement
Water hardness requirements Minimum and maximum water hardness requirement
Water position Which water level does this species normally occupy? Top/middle/bottom? Any combination of these?
Minimum Tank Height (inch)
Minimum tank height requirement for this species.
Territorial? Is this species territorial by nature? Does it occupy an area in a tank and not let others come near it?
Female aggression? Does female of this species show similar aggression as males do?
Breeding Pair? Does this species pair off and become territorial? Most new world cichlids show this behavior.
Long Fin? Does this species feature long fins? Will it be susceptable to fin nipping species?
Fin Nipper? Does this species nip fins of other species that feature long fins? If yes, does it stop nipping fins if you add more than certain number? If so, specify the number. i.e. Tiger Barb shows this behavior and will likely to stop nip fins when there are more than 10.
Harlem Breeder? Is this species a harlem breeder? Most mbuna shows this behavior.
Collective Breeder? Does this species form a large family of multiple generation and look after each other? Species of this behavior tends to occupy very large space in the tank if you give to them.
Minimum Group Space For some species, they will take up much more space than the minimum required when given to them. Species showing collective breeding behavior (where generations of offsprings will take care of the younger ones) is one such group. Minimum Living space is the minimum space reuiqred for the species to live happily. Minimum Group Space is the maximum space it would take up if the species were to be placed in an unlimited sized tank.
Brackish? Does this species need brackish water? Only say yes if it requires this environment. If species can live happily in freshwater, you should say "no".
Good exceptions? Are there any species that this species can get along even though common sense says it should not? e.g. Angelfish will eat neon tetras but will not eat cory catfishes of similar sizes.
Bad exceptions? Are there any species that this species cannot get along even though common sense says it should not?
WC Factor Is this species more sensitive to water quality? By setting this factor "high", aqadvisor.com will increase water change requirement for a given bioload. As an example, puffers require better water quality than usual.
Notes Should aqadvisor.com display any specific messages each time a user selects this species? Any important precautionary notes? Plecos requiring driftwood is one example.
Additional Comments Any other notes that are not covered by the topics above. If you have any reference URLs, please paste them here.